Dried and dehydrated foods are more concentrated than any other preserved form of foodstuffs. 晒干和脱水食品比其他任何保藏形式的食品都得到更大程度的浓缩。
In cooking quality of dehydrated foods are usually superior to sun-dried counterparts. 脱水干燥食品的烹调特性通常优于对照的晒干食品。
The appearance of dehydrated foods is very obvious due to the significant differences in physical appearance as compared to the original product. 同原来的产品相比,由于物理性质上的显著不同,干燥食品的外观特征很明显不同。
Dehydrated eggs [ foods, vegetables] 脱水蛋粉[食品,蔬菜]
The paper analyses the effect of lactose on colors, flavor, extending the produces shelf life, and lowering the chance of returned frost when lactose is applied in dehydrated vegetable and sea foods. 本文对乳糖在脱水蔬菜和水产品中应用时,在保持产品的色泽、改善产品质地和风味、延长产品保质期、降低脱水蔬菜返霜现象的发生等方面的作用进行了分析。
Because of their experience, they were put in charge of a military warehouse for dehydrated foods. 考虑到他们的经历,他们被安排负责一座军用脱水食品仓库。
Vacuum freeze drying has a great impact upon the production of dehydrated foods because of the superior quality of the product obtained and promises continuous expansion of the number of applications. 真空冷冻干燥技术已在许多领域得到了广泛的应用,将该技术用于食品加工可获得高质量的脱水食品。